What is
Perhaps Kale?
Perhaps Kale is a blog focused on creating a healthy lifestyle, one that is balanced and fulfilling, the smart way.
What this means is that I’m taking all of the information that I know and continue to learn about creating a high performance, happy life and condense it in a way that is accessible to anyone. I don’t believe that you should be an expert in biochemistry to be able to get the most out of your body.
I’m on a mission to learn the best way to enhance my own biology so that you can enhance yours and finally take the control over your life and your body that you deserve.

my rules
and exceptions
My rules are to eat healthy fat, get good sleep, destress, detox, and upgrade my body daily. I believe in fueling my body with REAL food, nurturing my skin with REAL ingredients, yet enjoying the occasional donut or slice of pizza when I feel like it. It’s all about being smart and listening to your body.

my tiers of health

fuel your body
with real food
eat healthy fats, vegetables,
detox your life
mind, body, environment
avoiding toxins and detoxing yourself as well as your environment
care for yourself
inside and out
sleeping better, meditating longer, loving yourself harder
a little about me

2017 health goals
journal, meditate
this year I want to journal and meditate every day. both of these activities help me to stay calm, centered, and focused on what I truly want
movie, food, guilty pleasure
the Bourne identity,guacamole, and binge-watching supernatural
can't go a day without
bulletproof matcha latte, meditation, hubby time
2017 health goals
journal, meditate
this year I want to journal and meditate every day. both of these activities help me to stay calm, centered, and focused on what I truly want
movie, food, guilty pleasure
the Bourne identity,guacamole, and binge-watching supernatural
can't go a day without
bulletproof matcha latte, meditation, hubby time
a little about me

contact me
work with me
contact me
you can find me
you can find me
Houston, TX.
contact me
contact me
email me: brittany@perhapskale.com
Meditation, hot yoga, breathing, hardcore sleeping, heavy weights, interval training. Grass-fed butter, coconut oil, avocado slices, avocado anything. Fat balls, veggie bowls, green smoothies. Bulletproof coffee, smart matcha, kombucha.